Clients manager web application for FecomIT.

LE PROSPECT (“THE PROSPECT” in English) is a web-based application specialsed in the prospection management. I have developed this system together with my collegue (Bensaib Kamel) within 6 months, in the context of our Bachelor’s final project. This solution has been later used by FecomIT in their prospection workflow.

In this project, we have developped a system to manage the company’s prospective clients, where they can fellow the client’s trajectory (prospect to client). Our solution enabled couple of features among them we can state:

  • New prospect:
  • Scorring:
  • Contact prospect:
  • Task manager:
  • Emailing:
  • Live chat:
  • Custumised features:
These are couple of scheenshots from the web application "LE PROSPECT", the one one the left shows the list of prspective clients with different details, the one in the middle shows the tasks assign to the commercial team including the progress, and the one on the right shows part of the form used to created a new prospect client.
We even have though of and created a logo for our web application.

UML was employed during the conceptual design of this solution. Subsequently, the entire system and backend were developed following Object-Oriented programming principles.

If you have any feedback or comments, please feel free to leave them in the section below.

Thank you!